Merde alors ¿por qué no? Hablo de entonces, de Sèvres-Babylone, no de este balance elegiaco en que ya sabemos que el juego está jugado.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Adiós Jefe Brody

LOS ANGELES.- El actor Roy Scheider, que alcanzó fama internacional como el jefe de policía Martin Brody en la película de Steven Spielberg 'Tiburón', ha fallecido a los 75 años, informaron fuentes del hospital de la Universidad de Arkansas.

Hooper: [motioning to Brody to get closer to the barrels] Come on Martin! Move, move, move! Brody: I'm not going out there!

Hooper: Beyond the edge of the barrels, go to the end of the barrels! Further out!

Brody: What?

Hooper: Further out!

Brody: Why?

Hooper: Go further out!

Brody: What for?

Hooper: Will you go to the end of the pulpit, please?

Brody: What?

Hooper: Will you just please go to the end of the pulpit!

Brody: What for?

Hooper: I need to have something in the foreground to give it some scale.

Brody: Foreground, my ass!


Brody: Smile you son of a BITCH.

Farewell and adieu to you, fair Spanish ladies. Farewell and adieu, you ladies of Spain. For we've received orders for to sail back to Boston. And so nevermore shall we see you again.

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